About IFMA
This includes the whole spectrum of individual and corporate producers, managers, advisors, researchers, teachers, policy-makers, suppliers, farming and marketing organizations and agribusiness companies associated with agriculture, horticulture and rural enterprise.
Currently the Association has members in over 50 countries. Within IFMA membership everyone is equal.
The IFMA is organised and co-ordinated by a Council, with members drawn from around the world, the details of which you will find on the Council Page.
The IFMA’s main activities are international congresses, a journal and this website.
It is a non profit-making organisation.
The objective of the Association is to further the knowledge and understanding of farm business management and to exchange ideas and information about farm management theory and practice throughout the world.

IFMA welcomes new members.
You can join IFMA from as little as US$52.50 / €46.50 / GB£40 or the equivalent in your currency.
Please help us maintain and grow this resource for all those who are interested in Farm Management the around the world.
International Congresses
These are organised every 2nd year in countries around the world. They are organised locally, usually last for 6 days, which together with additional pre- and post congress tours, provide not only an occasion to discuss farm management and agriculture in a global context, but also to learn a great deal about the host country’s farming structure and its people. They are truly unique opportunities.
Please go to the Congresses Page for further information, including information on Future Congresses and links to their websites once they have been set up. Each Congress has its own website set up in the county in which it is being held.
To catch up on the Congresses that have been held in the past click on the “List of Congresses” button and select the congress you want information about. If you want to get an idea of what an IFMA congress involves and the sort of experiences you can expect to have at one of our congresses – take a look at the photo summaries of recent congresses.
For papers from the last 10 Congresses (The Netherlands 2002, Australia 2003, Brazil 2005, Ireland 2007, USA 2009, New Zealand 2011, Poland 2013, Canada 2015, Edinburgh 2017 and Tasmania 2019) click the Proceedings Button. Search facilities are available on all the papers.

International Journal of Agricultural Management (IJAM)
Past copys of the IJAM is available from this website – please go to the Journal Page on this website to learn more, access the Journal, and find out how to contribute to it.
Please go to the Journal Page for more information.
IJAM replaced IFMA’s previous Journal of International Farm Management (JIFM) which was published on the previous version of this website. It ran from 2005 until 2011. You can still find the papers that were published online – Volume 3 – Volume 5 – by going to the IJAM home page on the IngentaConnect website and selecting the relevant link under ‘Related Information’.
IFMA Website
This website is designed to provide a central focus for IFMA news, activities, contributed articles on issues and about farm management associations from around the world, on upcoming IFMA congresses, on past congresses including papers presented at them, the online Journal, and links to individual IFMA Congress websites. It also provides links to, and information on, other associated farm management organisations and their activities around the world, and to appropriate online publications.
The IFMA Constitution
The IFMA Constitution was revised and approved by the General Meeting in July 2013.
Click here for the IFMA Constitution
For more information on the International Farm Management Association read the article by Philip James and updated by Tony King the Secretaries of IFMA from the first congress in 1971 to 2015.
Click here to see the article: 40 Years of IFMA – Its Origins, Ethos and History