Limited Offer for Next Generation Young Farmers / Managers – Extra Programme & Reduced Price*
A full traditional IFMA Congress with all the usual activities is planned and as always a warm welcome awaits all who attend.
You can get all the information from the IFMA22 website which will be updated regularly, so please sign up to receive the Congress Newsletter or check for developments regularly.
* There is a limited number of places being offered for Next Generation Farmers / Managers to have 2 extra days special programme before the congress and also a reduced price. See the flyer for this offer – in right hand column.
As for all IFMA Congresses the week’s activities will include:
Welcome Reception
On the Sunday evening following registration.
Plenary Speaker Program
A varied program of topics and speakers on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the congress. The Program for the whole Congress is available on the IFMA22 congress website.
Contributed Papers
Over 100 papers and posters are expected to be submitted for the congress. Coming from around the world these will be in both academic ‘Peer Review’ and practical ‘Case Study’ (non-peer review) forms, as well as Posters. The Call for Papers is expected to go out in March 2018. What will you contribute?
Following the congress these papers will be published on this website under Congresses > Congress Proceedings.
Day Tours – Field Trips
Farm and other visits are organised for the Tuesday and Thursday of the congress – with a wide range of field tour options. Full details will be available on the website. The congress venue is well placed for making visits to a wide range of contrasting agricultural enterprises.
Accompanying Persons’ Program
As usual Accompanying Persons (APs) are also being looked after with a special program of visits on the Monday and Wednesday and are invited to participate in the Field Trips (own choice) on the Tuesday and Thursday, as well as joining in the full Social Program. The Accompanying Persons’ programme will be available on the congress website in due course.
Social Program
In addition to the Welcome Reception on Sunday, it is proposed to have events with entertainment on the Monday and Wednesday evenings, and a formal banquet on Thursday evening, which will be included in the full delegate and AP programmes. Tuesday will be a “free evening” and delegates will be able to choose their own activity.
Pre Congress Tour and Post Congress Tours
Have been arranged by the organisers – with the Pre Tour travelling through Tasmania starting in Hobart and finishing in Launceston; Sunday 24 February – Sunday 3 March 2019 – and the Post Tour travelling from Melbourne through Victoria to New South Wales and finishing in Sydney; Saturday 9 March – Friday 15 March 2019. The tours will include both agricultural and heritage visits. See the website for the detailed information for each tour.
Registration –
You will be able to book online for the congress (preferred), or apply for the necessary forms for block or single bookings.
Accommodation – Book your accommodation early!
The details and costs of all the recommended accommodation both at and close to the congress venue will be available for booking on the congress website.
Entry Visas for Australia and Travel
Much information and links to the relevant Australian Immigration website will be available on the IFMA22 website travel information page. Those needing entry Visas to Australia are advised to start researching the process early!
If you need a “Letter of Invitation” for visa and / or funding purposes you should email Conference Design – and request one mentioning that you wish to attend IFMA22.