AP - Agriculture And Agri-food: Canada’s Renewal Programs
Studies demonstrate that producers who develop business plans and skills are significantly more likely to be successful and maintain profitability in the face of changing market realities. However, finding ways to encourage greater use of farm business planning and management tools can be a challenge. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC) has developed a set of Renewal programs to assist producers to access skills, knowledge, and advice in the field of farm business management. Since 2003/2004, two major types of programs are available to producers, the first type being the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services (CFBAS) and the Planning and Assessment for Value-Added Enterprises (PAVE); and the other being the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service (CASS). Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has used various models to deliver these programs. For instance, Renewal advisory services are provided by private business consultants and the federal Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has partnered with provincial governments, other federal departments and third parties to deliver the CASS program. This applied paper presents a policy background, a description of these programs, how they work using different delivery models, the feedback received from participants, and the lessons learned.
Key Words: farm management, renewal programs, training.