Evaluating The Effect Of Precision Agriculture Technologies On Harvesting Combine Values In North America
Despite previous research evaluating the cost of grain harvesting operations and combines, there are still major gaps in the literature around the uncertainty of machine prices.
Couple this with the recent price increases of new machines that have pushed operations to purchase used equipment. Which has led to the need for evaluating the various precision agriculture technologies and how they impact a combines value. The study proposed will aim to fill the holes in previous studies by predicting combine values across multiple makes and models.
Unlike the previous studies, this work will evaluate the impact from various factors such as add-ons centered around precision agriculture in order to better predict the true value of the machine. In order to accomplish this task, the study will combine a hedonic model with an auction dataset from a national machinery sales company.
Keywords: Harvester, Combine, Precision Agriculture, Production Economics, Farm Management, Farm Machinery