PR - Farm Economic Consequences Of Clean Water In Europe
The main aim of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to improve the water quality in all waters in Europe and the target is described as “good ecological status”, which should be reached in all water bodies by 2015 and no later than 2027. In the paper some key issues regarding the economic analyses and choice of the most cost effective measures is described. Results from preliminary analysis made by Denmark, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom are described. The findings suggest that all three countries find it difficult to achieve the goals in 2015. Instead they will postpone parts of the implementation until after 2015 to reduce overall costs, but in the Netherlands the target will not be reached by 2027. The costs for the agricultural sector in the implementation of WFD are low in the Netherlands and moderate in United Kingdom and Denmark. In the Netherlands few agricultural measures are included, although most of the nutrient loss comes from agriculture. In United Kingdom N-loses will be reduced through Farming schemes and P-losses will be reduced by 50% through Water Protection Zones. In Denmark, the measures consist of set a side, catch crops and wetlands. It is likely that the loss of direct income for Danish farmers is partly financed through a reduction in the Single Payment Scheme. The implementation of WFD is important for European farmers and so participation will have a large impact on the results and costs experienced at the farm level.
Keyword: Water Framework Directive, costs, agriculture, measures, Europe