NPR - Implementing Know-how – Efficient Communication Of Know How To Pig Farmers (p54-59)
Denmark is known for a large pig production industry and a high level of efficiency. Besides strong breeding and well-educated pig farmers, the high level of efficiency is attributed to a strong connection between the research/development industry and the primary industry. Know-how is communicated from, for instance, Pig Research Centre (PRC) to the pig advisors in Danish Agricultural Advisory Service (DAAS) and on to the pig producers. Danish farmers are able to access know-how directly from PRC as well as through the local pig advisory centres.
However, despite our well-functioning, transparent system, the results achieved by the individual pig producers still vary greatly. This shows that there is still potential for improving the communication of know-how and thereby ensuring implementation on the pig farms.
Six years ago, PRC and DAAS Pigs established “Development Co-Operation”, which is economically binding co-operation on development of tools, Best Practice, for a number of areas within the production of pigs. This development takes place in a joint process with DAAS Pigs paying half of the costs and PRC the other half. The tools are developed by project groups consisting of local pig advisors and scientific staff from PRC. A tool – a set of guidelines – typically consists of checklists, fact sheets, recording forms, work plans, spread sheets, etc.
With the Development Co-Operation, advisors will obtain ownership of the tools and use them when advising pig farmers. As pig advisors are involved in both development and implementation, know-how is communicated with practical implementation in mind and is adapted to the target group.
Keywords: implementing, advising, networking, cooperation, know-how