Irish Farm Managers’ Association
The mission of the Irish Farm Managers’ Association is to promote the highest level of farm management competency and to support its members in achieving their goals.
The Irish Farm Managers’ Association has among its Aims and Objectives:
- The advancement, education and training of its members in modern farm management techniques and knowledge
- The representation on behalf of its members interests with the Department of Agriculture and Food and with statutory Bodies and major players in the agricultural sector
- The promotion of the Farm Apprenticeship Scheme
- The setting in place of a Land Leasing Scheme
Realising the importance and effectiveness of the transfer of land through a system of long term leasing the IFMA has pursued a relentless policy with successive Governments to create a situation whereby suitably qualified landless people can acquire land to be farmed by young dynamic farmers.
To further the education and training of its members the IFMA runs seminars and farm walks and holds an Annual Course in Mellows College, Athenry, Co. Galway.
Career Paths into Dairying
The IFMA is trying to develop a career route that will allow young interested people create a future for themselves in dairying
Website: www.irishfarmmanagers.com
Secretary Email: tmeehan45@gmail.com
Chairman Email: farms@lismorecastle.com